Women's School Shoes

6 Products Found

If you’re looking for a pair of women's school shoes, look no further than the range at Rosenberg Shoes. We are proud stockists of the largest range of shoes for large feet in all of Australia! We have been operating for over a century, and in that time we have served more satisfied customers than we can even begin to count. We are extremely proud to offer women's school shoes to suit everybody, and our friendly, professional team is always ready to help you find the perfect fit for your perfect foot. No matter what style of women's school shoes you’re looking for, we have something to suit your needs. We have lace-up flats, Mary Jane flats, and orthotic friendly women's school shoes. We stock these in a range of comfort and fashion brands, including Dr Martens, Hush Puppies, Minki, and Ziera. Check out our range online, pop into our iconic Chapel Street store, or reach out to our friendly customer service staff any way you like, and we’ll be more than happy to assist you in finding the perfect women's school shoes for you.

No matter the style of women's school shoes you’re after, we have something to satisfy your desires. Maybe you’re looking for a pair of lace-up flats. In that case, check out the Dr Martens 8053 - these are a great option that will keep you looking cool and studious while you get educated. If you’d rather have a pair of Mary Jane flats, consider the Hush Puppies Bondi. These are a bit more of a classy option, but are no less stylish and comfortable. Speaking of comfortable, if you need a pair of women's school shoes that can handle orthotics, get yourself a pair of Ziera X-Rays. These shoes don’t sacrifice style for comfort, and they can keep you feeling and looking good all at once! If you have specific needs when it comes to women's school shoes, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the team at Rosenberg Shoes. As people with large feet ourselves, we understand that it can be difficult to find the right fit sometimes. With our years and years of experience solving this exact problem, we are sure that we will be able to find you a pair of womens school shoes that matches all of your needs.

If you’re after women's school shoes in a particular brand, don’t worry. Rosenberg Shoes - stockists of Australia’s largest range of shoes for large feet - are sure to have something to suit your tastes! We stock women's school shoes from Ziera and Dr Martens. We also have women's school shoes by Hush Puppies and Minki, so no matter what you’re after we’re sure one of these brands will be able to cover your needs. Just get in touch with us and we can help you find something that will balance comfort and style. If you’ve been looking for the right fitting women's school shoes for years, and have not had any luck, discover the Rosenberg Shoes’ difference today. Our one hundred years of expertise come into play with every single customer we serve, and we are proud to say that we love putting smiles on our customers' faces…and on their feet